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Backup and Disaster Recovery

Losing critical business files is devastating – let us prevent that from happening.


Could you survive a major hardware or software meltdown…or would losing all your files cripple your business?

No computer system is 100 per cent infallible. Theft, a natural disaster, a hardware failure, a virus or even simple human error could wipe out your business’ most valuable asset – your data – at the drop of a hat.

If that information isn’t backed up somewhere safe, that could mean years of hard work down the drain.
And while data restoration services might be able to retrieve your files, it could be a long and costly exercise.Can you afford to take a chance on your data?

Most business owners we talk to are aware of the importance of data backup and disaster recovery. They just haven’t got around to doing anything about it.

But data backup doesn’t have to be complicated.

Our Online Backup system is designed to work quietly in the background, automatically sending an up-to-date copy of all your files to our secure data center, at regular, routine intervals. Your data is always accessible and in the event of a disaster or malfunction, can be restored quickly and easily.

Ensure Business Continuity with Datto’s Alto and Siris BCDR Solutions

Is Your Business Prepared for a Data Disaster?

Imagine the impact of a major hardware or software failure, or the consequences of theft, natural disasters, viruses, or human error. Losing your business-critical data can be catastrophic, leading to significant downtime, financial loss, and disruption to your operations.

Protect Your Business with Datto’s Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions

While no system is completely foolproof, having a reliable Backup and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) solution from Datto can safeguard your business against data loss. Our comprehensive BCDR solutions, featuring Datto Alto and Siris, provide robust protection for your valuable data, ensuring business continuity even in the face of unforeseen disasters.

Key Features of Datto Alto and Siris for SMEs:

  • Automatic Backups: Datto’s Alto and Siris solutions operate silently in the background, ensuring that your data is automatically backed up at regular intervals without disrupting your daily operations.
  • Quick Data Restoration: In the event of a disaster, Datto’s advanced technology enables rapid data restoration, minimizing downtime and keeping your business running smoothly.
  • Secure Storage: Your data is stored in Datto’s highly secure data centers, providing multiple layers of protection against unauthorized access and ensuring data integrity.
  • Scalable Solutions: Datto Alto and Siris are designed to grow with your business, offering scalable options that cater to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Comprehensive Protection: From on-premise servers to cloud environments, Datto’s BCDR solutions provide end-to-end protection, ensuring all your business data is secure.

Why Choose Datto’s BCDR Solutions?

  • Peace of Mind: With Datto Alto and Siris, you can rest easy knowing your data is always protected and easily recoverable in case of any disaster.
  • Cost-Effective: Avoid the high costs associated with data loss and recovery services. Datto’s solutions offer an affordable way to ensure business continuity.
  • Expert Support: Our team of experts is available to assist you with setup, maintenance, and any recovery processes, ensuring you get the most out of your Datto BCDR solution.

Don’t Leave Your Data to Chance

Take proactive steps to secure your business data today. Contact us to learn more about Datto’s Backup and Disaster Recovery solutions tailored for SMEs in New Zealand.


For a small fee per month, you can rest easy knowing your data is securely backed up and easily accessible – no matter what comes your way.

To talk more about our backup and disaster recovery servicescall us on 0800 Belton (235866) or email 

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